Praise For
Lenny Brown
A landmark inclusive story
The Bookseller
Publishing Magazone
I’m so delighted to be bringing this wonderful story to the world next year and to introduce you all to Lenny Brown.
Ben Horslen
Fiction Publisher, Puffin
It’s been a pleasure to work with and discuss Dan’s latest book ‘I Am Lenny Brown’. It offers an incredible insight into the challenges and elations that selective mutism can bring. It’s sensitive, authentic and heart-warming. As a speech therapist I enjoyed helping Dan in making Lenny’s challenges as realistic as possible.
Hollie Geey
Specialist speech & language therapist
I could relate to Lenny because some of the things that have happened to him have happened to me. Some of the other characters, Obi and Cameron, are like kids in my class. The diary was really great. It made me feel like we could really see how Lenny felt and the feelings he was holding in. The dog, Rocky, was always there for Lenny and helping him and farting! Fartinho!
I would recommend the book for people who aren’t having a great time at school, people who like football and people who love a good book. I think this book would be great for kids aged 7-11 or 6-11 for kids who really like to challenge themselves.
Aged 11, Striker
I am Lenny Brown took our breath away. The story was so powerful and personal to my son and I that we needed to pause while reading. As a single parent, recently divorced and far from my own family, I could see myself in Lenny’s mum. It is rare to read a book that observes and respects single parenthood without glorification or aggrandisement. My son experienced it too - we felt understood and represented.
I would have been thrilled if my son, and his kind and not-so-kind classmates, had read this book at school. It would have given kids a framework and language to address bullying and inclusion in a way that is a struggle for most schools.
We laughed and cried as Lenny and his mum navigated their challenges and victories. It is hard not to love this brave, kind, smart and creative little boy. Lenny’s status as a role model is assured and he will quickly earn his place on bookshelves and in hearts.
I would recommend this book to adults and children. It gives children a view of what it is like moving to a new house and a new school. I liked how Lenny made a new friend as well! I also liked how Lenny adapted to the changes in his life. I enjoyed reading the whole book, especially how Lenny could communicate with animals. I rate this book 5 stars out of 5 and I recommend that EVERYONE reads this book.
A neurodiverse Year 4 pupil
Elmwood Junior School, Croydon
I work with children as they adapt to new circumstance and cultures. I love this book. I could touch and feel Lenny’s emotions. It’s so real and I’m confident that it will develop empathy in a great number of young children. It is a beautiful account of how many problems a child can face, but given the right support, can thrive and enjoy starting or moving school.
Mrs Emilia Sanders
Private Tutor, Culture Exchange
This book starts off in the middle of something and isn't boring which makes you hooked to find out more. Being a relatively short story makes it an incredibly addictive read, and you are always eager to find out what happens next. At first you can feel for Lenny Brown because he's going through a tough time, but I felt a lot more for him when more was revealed. The story has a powerful message about bullying and this book could help stop these problems across schools. I sympathize a lot for Lenny. After reading it, I think that the title makes complete sense, whereas before I read it, I didn't understand the meaning of the title. I'd recommend this as a 5* as it's an enjoyable and powerful book. I would recommend this book for ages 7-13.
(Aged 13)
I found so many things that rang true. It centres on the experience of a boy with selective mutism, but the feelings explored in the book will be familiar to anyone who has faced the challenge of feeling like an outsider.
Reading about how Lenny and his mum dealt with his anger felt very true to me. I am familiar with how, as a parent, you often have to fight the instinct to jump in to try to make things better and accept that children may need time to process their own feelings, and that they will come to you when they're ready...
I got tearful reading this book – more than once – and was properly blubbering at the end!
Dr Anashri Pillay
Durham University and mum who read the book with her son
I thought it was amazing and here’s why:
Firstly, I think it sends out a positive note about overcoming setbacks and making friends.
Secondly, I think it’s good how Nate the Notebook feels like a person because Nate is the one Lenny talks to most and writes everything in.
I also like Layla because she’s an example to Lenny as she has overcome a similar setback.
I also really liked imagining the illustrations and I have even done my own drawings for the book!
Knavesmire Primary School
Discover More About
Dan Freedman
Creator of the Jamie Johnson books that have been adapted for the hit BBC televsion show.
Dan gives engaging talks to schools, academies, football clubs and corporations across the UK.
Partnerships include Premier League Primary Stars, Wicked Young Writer Awards and Youth Sport Trust.
Dan talks about his new book
Unstoppable footballer
Book Trailer
Plus interviews