I’m very pleased to say that I am just putting the finishing touches to a new Jamie Johnson book!
When I was writing Final Whistle, I thought that it might be the last in the series but all your lovely messages and emails have been so fantastic and have inspired me so much that I couldn’t resist…
And, of course, we have the small matter of a World Cup being held in Brazil this summer…we couldn’t have such a big event in football and not have a Jamie Johnson book to accompany it, could we?
The book is called Skills from Brazil and it is a prequel to the rest of the JJ series – we go back to when Jamie was eleven years old and we find out some of the key events and skills that helped to turn him into the person and player he goes on to become…
I’m loving writing it and I hope you’ll really enjoy reading it!
The book will be out in May, just in time for that little football event in Brazil…
Love all of your books and can’t wait until this one comes out!
One question!
In the last book, Final Whistle, you ended on Jamie attempting to score but could risk his body again, what actually happened in the ending of this book, I need to know!!!
Thank you for all your fantastic work.
Cheers George…it’s kind of for you to decide…although the next book – SKILLS FROM BRAZIL – does answer the question…
Thank you for answering it, it’s been making me wonder for ages what actually happens in the end! I’m guessing the answer isn’t in plain sight in the next book though..
Thank you so much for making my childhood so good with your books, such an inspiration.
Jamie at the age I am now, is basically exactly the same as me, left midfield, pacey, amazing left foot, working his way up, exactly where I am now..
Dan skills from Brazil is AMAZING so far thxs for publishing OMG its so grabbing myattention
Thank you for your comment Leon. I’m pleased you’re enjoying Skills. Have you read any of the others yet?
Absoloutly love the books but when will the new book”skills from brazil” be out because I can’t wait for it!
May 6!
Hi Dan,will Jamie and Bertoli meet again.
Who knows?…
Hi Dan! I wanted to say that I love the books, I’ve just finished reading final whistle!
I’d love for there to be more sequels to the story, and with the way you write, you could keep the series going as long as you wanted! I really enjoy the fact you keep finding flaws and problems and keep including cliffhangers!
I’d love to see how much further Jamie can progress!
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Thanks for such kind words Daniel. I’ve loved writing SKILLS FROM BRAZIL. Hope you’re going to like it too! dan
Hi Dan,
I was one of you secret agents from west lodge primary in pinner for skills from Brazils
Ahh!! Top man!!! Thank you!
Hey Dan! Im on your final book! Im so upset that i am near the end! Once you have written this new one- please write a few more! I love how Jamie comes from a little school to now: a player for Hawkstone. I found out that you came a year before i got to my secondary school! DAN! You should of waited a year! Ahaha Thanks again, Josh
Cheers Josh! Let me know what you think of the new book!
Hi Dan, Will there ever be a Jamie Johnson TV series
We would love it and we are hoping there might be…
Hey Dan! I love your books and the diagrams in it are really cool! Thanks for being such a cool author! Harry
Well thank you Harry! I am glad you like the books and the diagrams too … do you find them useful?
Are there any mention of Jack and Jamie in a relationship or even anything to do with Dillon Simmonds?
Jamie a little younger. No Dillon. But Jack’s around…
I have enjoyed reading all the Jamie Johnson books and now my younger brother Toby is reading them too, they are fantastic, best football books I have ever read, have just found out about the new book can’t wait to read it on my holiday soon, please carry on with the series !!!
Can’t wait to find out if he scores the goal against Madrid
Top man!! Enjoy SKILLS!
Hello sir, I’m actually writing the next book it is called, well I can’t actually say because I don’t want anyone to copy but I’ll send it to you when I finish it, I’m eventually on page 57.
I really hope you will enjoy it or maybe publish it.
Finger crossed.
Look forward to reading it!
Good man. Enjoy the tournament and your football!
Hi dan, your Jamie Johnson series are the best books ever! I would just like to tell you that you are my favourite ever author and also your cliffhangers are really good. Your the reason I read! Keep it up! And please try to keep the Jamie Johnson series going thanks! Alf
Absolutely brilliant Alf! It’s great that I’m the reason you read, because you and all the other JJ fans are the reason I write! Keep up the good work and go for your goals! Dan
Oh yeah, one more thing will we ever find out if Jamie’s okay after the cliff hanger in the final whistle?
Thinking of new JJ stories all the time …
i dan I loved skils from brazil….and was wonderin is there going to be any more books
Great to hear!! Just thinking about some ideas now. I hope there will be more JJ books in the future yes..
Hi dan I’ve just finished watching ‘Final Whistle’ love the book just wondering what the score was for El Classico it’s been a thing I’ve wanted to find out an I can’t believe the cliffhanger! Can’t wait to read skills from Brazil!!! 🙂
Glad you liked it Tom! What do you think the score was?
can u come to class 5 at christ church halifax,england pellon lane thank u be now hopeu can make it
Ask your teachers, they could then contact me if they like the idea …
Please make a book about the future and do Jamie’s son or his grandson or even do one about Dillion’s brother
Good idea!!
Hi Dan I was just wondering is there going to be another Jamie Johnson book after skills from brazil. I love the Jamie Johnson series thank you for writing them.
Thank you for reading them Graham! I am glad you enjoy the series.
Yo dan! Me again! A question for ya! Why do your books have so many cliff hangers! No seriously…
Cliff hangers always work well keeping your reader hooked and wanting to read more! What do you think Harry?
Hi dan…
Your books are literally the best ever. My favourite seiries is the JJ seiries, my favourite author is… You :). I love in Thailand so it’s really hard for us to get ur books just finished world class can’t wait for final whistle but… Is it gonna be the last book because I couldn’t dream of this incredible series ending
Thank from Thailand
Please reply it would mean the world to me
Wow! Thank you Nathaniel, that’s very kind of you to say. It’s also great knowing that JJ is being enjoyed so much in Thailand! Please let me know what you think of Final Whistle when you have read it. Dan
Hello Dan, I’m thinking of buying it. Your other books are brilliant,but I desperately want to know what happens in The Final Whistle. Does he score or not ?
That’s really for you to decide Daniel! Why don’t you have a go at writing the ending you would like … you could send it on to me if you like!
Just wondering Dan is skills from Brazil About the end of final whistle or is it some thing different cant wait to see if you have any other books coming out soon Love your jamie johnson series Thanks Robbie
Thanks Robbie, glad you love the series! Although written after Final Whistle, Skills from Brazil is actually a prequel to the series. Dan
Dan I love your book so much best books I have ever read can you please do more Jamie Johnson books
No plans for any more books at the moment but looking forward to the CBBC series coming out next year!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for getting my 11 year old son reading again. After the usual school reading schemes I have had great trouble getting my son reading. Your books were recommended to me because he is football mad- and EUREKA! Bought the set for Christmas and he is on the last book, he loves them. I have ordered Skills from Brazil now so please more more more !
Thank you so much for you comments. I am so pleased that my books have inspired a reluctant reader to not only pick up a book, but enjoy it as well!
Thanks for the new book have just read it. I have just one more question will there be a new one coming out.
Hi Sam,
I am working on things all the time so keep visiting the site!