… to JJ fans wherever you may be! What a year 2014 has been with so much happening. The World Cup seems like a lifetime ago now and I find it hard to believe Skills from Brazil was only published eight months ago! I have loved every minute of 2014 and the many exciting things that have happened. Thank you all for your amazing support and the lovely things you have to say about JJ, the books and my work. We have lots of plans for 2015 which we look forward to sharing with you all as the year progresses.
We look forward to meeting many more of you across the globe throughout the year and hearing what you have been doing. Don’t forget you can stay in touch by using the website and our Facebook group, The Jamie Johnson Series, as well as Twitter … @DanFreedman99.
We wish you all a very happy and healthy 2015 … remember to go for your goals!! Dan