This is the chance for someone at your school to broadcast their football views on LIVE RADIO….
On Wednesday July 17, I will be trialling a Junior Football Phone in on Colourful Radio.
I have a regular slot on this station, where I discuss the latest football news and issues, alongside playing some great music.
For this show, and following lots of interest in the radio and sports journalism during my school visits, I would like to open the airwaves to the brightest young football fans around the country.
Callers will have a 5 minute slot to make their point about whatever is exciting, worrying or annoying them ahead of the new season….Topics could include:
– Best signing of the summer
– Predictions for the coming season
– How football should improve or change in 2013/14
Really, though, we will talk about whatever you like…just make it fun and interesting!
The show is from 1.30pm-4pm and you and your school will be able to either listen live via the internet or listen again at any time.
I would encourage you to identify a good talker with a view they are keen to express and for the school to make sure that they are given the time during the school day to come on air.
This is not a golden ticket to a career in sports journalism but it could be a fun and useful first step and certainly should be a memorable experience.
To come on the show, please use the comments section below to let me know the name, age, discussion point and ideal time of call that your caller would like to appear on the Junior Football Phone In.
I will then pick the ones that sound the most interesting and contact you by email to make the final arrangements and confirm the time slot. Each caller will be given a specific 5-minute space and slot. Callers from 8-18 years of age all welcome.
Thanks and looking forward to it!
Controversy regarding Orient/West Ham and the Olympic stadium.
Controversy regarding Orient/West Ham and the Olympic stadium. (Please use school email address: apologies for email address change).
Sounds good!
Dear Dan
My Y8 class are doing the Premier League Reading Stars project. We would like to send you some ideas for your radio show.
What’s your favourite book?
Are you better than your friends at playing football?
How many books have you written?
Will David Moyes be good manager for Man Utd?
Should the World Cup be held in the summer in Qatar?
Do you think the game should be shorter?
Keith Horan
Dear Dan
Hi. It’s me again. I have a Y8 reading group with girls who aren’t football fans but would like to speak to you as they think football players are overpaid. Lydia is 12 and would like to discuss what you think football players should be paid. The best time is during luch from 13:20 – 14:00. However, I’m sure we could organise any time up to 15:00.
Keith Horan
Excellent. Lydia is on! Will email you to confirm time.
Cameron would like to talk about the football predications for 2013/14 season and the impact of bringing through young English players through the professional set up with a cross-reference to ‘B’ Spanish league set-up.
Yes, great call. Cameron will be on. Will email you to confirm timings
Hey, I’m from Brentside High and my friend, Sulaymaan and I would like to debate how he thinks chelsea are taking football away from football and turning it into more of a business. Also, would like to say how mediocre woman’s football is portrayed and publicised.
Like it. You guys are on! Will email you to arrange the time. Dan
I would like to discuss an experiment where we ditch offside. Millions has been spent on goal-line technology for something which happens once or twice a season. Offside decisions affect every game and are the biggest cause of controversy. I think the game would thrive without the offside law.
Interesting idea. You’re on!
This comment very much interests me. I do have one question though…how would we stop goal hanging without the offside rule? There is a reason that the offiside rule was introduced and without it, attackers would just stand in the box and wait for the ball. Without offside, football would become a joke. And I thought my jokes were bad…