Skills from Brazil competition winner!
Well, everyone, the time has come… Firstly, thank you so much for all the brilliant reviews of Skills From Brazil. Hundreds of you have joined in with the competition, sending me your reviews from all over the country. They have been funny, brilliant, impressive and a joy to read. If I could, I would name […]
The Best Piece of Writing
A little while ago, I visited Archbishop Tenison’s School in South London and, while I was there, I judged a writing competition. The winner was a student called Kendrick, whose story (particularly the opening) was the best piece of writing that I have ever seen by any student in all the schools I have ever […]
School visit – Hamworthy Park Junior School
Recently I visited a fantastic school in Poole called Hamworthy Park Junior School. I told them that Skills From Brazil is based around a big football match between the Teachers and the Pupils at Jamie Johnson’s school. The kids loved this idea and wanted to write their own Teachers v Pupils story. And here are […]
Career in pictures
New teaching resources
I have just received these fantastic teaching resources based on the JJ books. They have been developed by the Academies Enterprise Trust. Please use them in your lessons and feel free to recommend to other schools. And do let me know how they work! Dan Dan Freedman Final Whistle Dan Freedman World Class GdV Dan […]