Skills from Brazil competition winner!
Well, everyone, the time has come… Firstly, thank you so much for all the brilliant reviews of Skills From Brazil. Hundreds of you have joined in with the competition, sending me your reviews from all over the country. They have been funny, brilliant, impressive and a joy to read. If I could, I would name […]
The Best Piece of Writing
A little while ago, I visited Archbishop Tenison’s School in South London and, while I was there, I judged a writing competition. The winner was a student called Kendrick, whose story (particularly the opening) was the best piece of writing that I have ever seen by any student in all the schools I have ever […]
Pupils take the Pen
I recently visited Lochinver House School in Potters Bar to talk to the pupils and do a writing workshop. Check out two of the fantastic pieces of JJ writing that they produced. I always say that even the names of the characters you choose in your stories are important…So I am a fan of Arnold…. […]
Reading Stars
It was fantastic to celebrate 10 years of Premier League Reading Stars this week. PLRS is a scheme which encourages youngsters to read through their love of football. Something I’m right behind. To mark the event, Jim Sells of The National Literacy Trust and I held a workshop with some pupils from Smithy Street Primary […]
Blenheim Visit
On Monday, I’ll be visiting Blenheim High School in Epsom. I’ll be doing three talks and also taking my friend and top coach Oli Karger with me. These sessions are really good fun as we get to talk about football, books and writing and then the pupils get to go out and work on their […]